UCR Title IX Staff Training

UCR staff who investigate and adjudicate cases of sexual harassment and sexual violence are provided training by the UC Office of the President (UCOP) Systemwide Title IX Office. Information on this training is available on the UCOP website.

UCR investigative staff—Case Resolution Officers and Investigators—are compliant with UCOP requirements from the California State Auditor on required annual training and training for new staff including the following topics:

  • UC policies and procedures including SVSH policy and adjudication frameworks;
  • guidelines and templates issued by the Systemwide Title IX Office;
  • case resolution skills, techniques, and best practices including interviewing and evidence gathering, scoping, application of preponderance of the evidence, report writing, alternative resolution approaches (for those staff involved in alternative resolutions), record keeping and documentation;
  • legal requirements of Title IX;
  • privacy rights including FERPA;
  • complexities and considerations related to sexual violence in higher education;
  • relevance of trauma in sexual violence;
  • cultural competency; and
  • awareness of university and community based referral resources for parties.

Content for training on sexual violence policy can be found through the University of California Learning Center online courses.

Adjudicators of sexual violence and sexual harassment cases (both SVSH and DOE Grievance Process cases) listed below receive annual systemwide training and campus training on the sexual violence and sexual harassment policies and frameworks and trauma informed practices.

  • Student Adjudication in SVSH cases is handled by conduct officers in the Student Conduct and Academic Integrity Programs (SCAIP) Office. The Appeal Officer is the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs.
  • The Chancellor’s Designee for adjudication of faculty SVSH cases is Vice Provost of Administrative Resolution. The Vice Provost also utilizes a committee of faculty members called the Peer Review Committee, as detailed in the adjudication framework.
  • The Chancellor’s Designee for adjudication of staff SVSH cases is the Associate Chancellor Human Resources.