Education & Training
To help prevent sexual violence, all members of the UC community — students, staff, faculty and other academic appointees — are required to receive sexual violence prevention and intervention training and education regularly. UC’s systemwide curriculum, tailored to each audience, educates our community about sexual violence, how to prevent it, the role of intervention and what local resources are available.
Key Concepts Covered in UC’s Systemwide Curriculum for Every Audience are:
- Definitions of different forms of sexual violence
- Social norms, including the attitudes and beliefs that can normalize violence
- Bystander intervention
- Responding to sexual violence using methods that acknowledge the impact of violence and trauma on survivors’ lives
- Local resources, including confidential support for survivors of sexual violence and appropriate services for those accused of sexual violence
- Rights and options about reporting sexual violence
All incoming students are required to take the education and training program at their campus within the first six weeks of class. All continuing students are required to take ongoing education and training annually. The link to log in came from an email invite to Foundry through Everfi. Use your UCR NetID to login (New Students: If you are a new student you will receive your UCR NetID in your acceptance letter). Current and Former Students: If you are a current, or former, student and either do not know your UCR NetID or do not have a UCR NetID you can obtain it via http://passwordreset.ucr.edu. After you successfully complete the form you will receive an email containing your UCR NetID and a link to set your password). Please note, the email will come from Everfi, not from UCR.
No special access code or email is needed to begin the module.
Any login issues or assistance related to registration holds should be sent to onlineeducation@ucr.edu. If you experience issues with the website or module, please contact the Everfi Help Desk.
Faculty and Supervisors
Faculty and Supervisors are legally required to complete two hours of sexual harassment prevention training every two years, and new faculty and supervisors are required to take training within 90 days of hire.
The UC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Faculty and Supervisors, an online, interactive course provided through the Learning Center, which covers a number of topics and:
- Educates learners about state and federal laws prohibiting discrimination and harassment
- Through scenarios and case studies, helps educate learners on how to avoid harassing conduct
- Provides definitions of crimes and policy provisions including relationship violence, sexual assault and stalking
- Trains learners on their responsible employee reporting obligations and how to respond to someone who discloses a Prohibited Conduct incident to them including how to inform such a person of their rights and options; and
- Discusses confidentiality and retaliation.
For questions regarding technical issues, please follow the steps below or email ucrlearning@ucr.edu.
You will need to take the following steps to launch the course after logging into the UC Learning Center:
- On the homepage, click on the Required Training button.
- Click the Start button to the left of UC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Supervisors and Faculty.
- Click Restart. Please note, the language used in the Restart pop-up window means you are recording a new attempt on top of the previous completion. Your previous attempt will still exist in the system and will still appear on your transcript.
- Then in the course window, click Retake
If you used the link in the email notice to immediately launch the course you will still need to take step 4 if not also step 3 above.
Staff and Academic Appointees Who Are Not Supervisors
Staff who are not supervisors will also be required to complete sexual harassment and sexual violence prevention training every two years. UC’s systemwide staff training and education program requires new employees to receive training within the first six weeks of hire.
The online course through the Learning Center educates learners on the UC SVSH Policy, including legal and policy definitions of relationship violence, sexual assault and stalking. The course also includes information on employees' responsibility to report sexual violence and sexual harassment, if the incident involves a student.
For questions regarding technical issues, please follow the steps below or email ucrlearning@ucr.edu.
You will need to take the following steps to launch the course after logging into the UC Learning Center:
- On the homepage, click on the Required Training button.
- Click the Start button to the left of UC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Supervisors and Faculty.
- Click Restart. Please note, the language used in the Restart pop-up window means you are recording a new attempt on top of the previous completion. Your previous attempt will still exist in the system and will still appear on your transcript.
- Then in the course window, click Retake
If you used the link in the email notice to immediately launch the course you will still need to take step 4 if not also step 3 above.