Reporting Domestic Violence and Other Forms of Sexual Harassment
Dear Highlanders,
As we re-engage in person, and in light of October “Domestic Violence Awareness Month,” we want to take this opportunity to remind everyone of our shared responsibility to protect our community from acts of sexual harassment, including relationship violence and other forms of sexual violence. UCR is committed to providing an inclusive living, learning and working environment free from discrimination and harassment. This email has some brief information about resources and policies, including helpful links.
Support, Resources, Rights & Options
UCR’s Title IX website has information about the rights and options of students as well as faculty and staff who have experienced domestic violence and other forms of sexual harassment. This covers topics ranging from anonymity and confidentiality, to how to get a protective order, to how to connect with campus and local resources. One of the most important campus resources is the Campus Advocacy, Resources & Education (CARE) Office. CARE advocates provide confidential support to students, faculty, and staff who have experienced sexual assault, relationship violence (including domestic violence), and stalking.
How to Report Sexual Violence and Harassment
Reportable behaviors include sexual assault, stalking, relationship violence (including domestic violence), and retaliation—visit Title IX, Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action | ( for more information about reporting obligations and what is covered by the University of California’s Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy (SVSH Policy). Reports may be made anonymously, in person, on behalf of yourself, for a friend, online, and many other ways. We encourage you to use the online reporting portal, or you may email to report or, if you prefer, to set up an in-person or online intake meeting with a Title IX staff member.
Reminder of Responsible Employee Reporting Obligations
Employees of the University—including faculty---are obligated by the UC SVSH Policy to report promptly any sexual harassment concerns involving students (managers are required to report incidents involving any reporting staff) to Title IX. (To learn more, check the FAQs.)
After UCR’s Title IX Office Receives a Report…
Trained staff carefully review the report, offer supportive services to any student who is identified as having experienced sexual violence or harassment, and consider resolution options under the SVSH Policy. When appropriate, interim measures such as no contact order or interim suspensions may be issued. These measures assist and protect the person reported to have experienced the sexual violence and the campus community and deter further violence. Supportive services and interim measures are confidential; UCR respects the privacy of its students, faculty, and staff. To learn more, please read Title IX’s handout on complaint resolution options or contact them at .
Thank you for taking the time to read this message, and for your help in preventing domestic violence and other forms of sexual harassment.
Best Regards,
Christine Mata Kiersten Boyce
Associate Vice Chancellor Associate Vice Chancellor
Dean of Student Affairs Title IX, Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action